Destiny patrol introduction grimoire
Destiny patrol introduction grimoire

destiny patrol introduction grimoire

’’Low Rollers” Jay Wantland with Sean Leary and Teresa Wantland.ĬOVER ART Cristi Balanescu and Ryan Valle “Unrepent­ ant” Lachlan “ Raith” Conley with Jordan Dixon, Nicole Gillies, Mark McLaughlin and Aaron Wong. “Squadron 6 6 ” Jonathan “Dono” Stevens with Eric “Ogehn” Brenders, Rick­ ey Ciulla, Kevin “ Rikoshi” Frane, Phil “DarthGM” Maiewski, Doran Ylitallo, and Linda “ZRissa” Whitson. PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT EDITING AND PROOFREADINGĬhristine Crabb, David Johnson, and Mark PollardĬhris Beck, Shaun Boyke, Samuel Shimota, and Evan Simonet Sterling Hershey, Keith Ryan Kappel, Jason Marker, Jason Mical, and Christopher Rowe On p l a n e t s a c r o s s te m p le s a n d s t r a n g e r e a l m s p ry in g enough F o r c e. Ī lth ou gh th e J e d i m a y b e en d u res. T h e J E D I, a n c ie n t p r o t e c t o r s and p e a c e k e e p e rs, h a v e b e e n d e s t r o y e d, w ip e d o u t by th e dreaded S I T H. The galaxy is c o n s u m e d by a s t r u g g le b e t w e e n light and darkness.

Destiny patrol introduction grimoire